During the Dec. 19 Democratic presidential debate, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton remarked, “Guns, in and of themselves, in my opinion, will not make Americans safer.”
Now, the Republican presidential front-runner has challenged Clinton to put her money where her mouth is. “Hillary said that guns don’t keep you safe,” Donald Trump tweeted on Monday. “If she really believes that, she should demand that her heavily armed bodyguards quickly disarm!”
While Trump also employs bodyguards, he believes self-defense is a right for all Americans: “The Second Amendment's purpose is to guarantee our right to defend ourselves … This is about self-defense, plain and simple.”
Despite Clinton’s reliance on guns for protection, she has made gun control for the rest of us a cornerstone of her campaign. So which is it, Mrs. Clinton? If guns are good enough to keep you safe, why would you refuse to afford that right to the rest of us?