This Spring On NRA News

posted on March 16, 2016
Ed Bailey

If you’ve been missing the compelling original shows featured on NRA News, don’t worry. Spring is here, and new content is in bloom.

The fourth season of “NOIR” received a great reaction from viewers, with its raw and honest conversations about the Second Amendment and modern society. (There was also plenty of Colion Noir shooting beautiful guns that you probably can’t afford.) In fact, the No. 1 complaint from fans of the series is that the conversations didn’t go on long enough! So stay tuned for bonus videos of “NOIR—From the Cutting Room Floor”: Real talk from real people, uncut.

In its second season, “Love at First Shot” focused on how community ties get newbies to pick up a gun for the first time. Now, in a special three-episode extension, we will catch up with three of the featured women and see the continuation of their stories. Jackie makes the decision to purchase her first gun, while Josephine starts a women’s shooting group at her local gun club. And Daria shares her insight and experience as an NRA-certified instructor. Hosts Natalie Foster and Julie Golob have some exciting adventures lined up for Season 3, but these additional episodes will help to make the wait easier. 

Season 2 of “I Am Forever” explored the question of how to renew the American dream through self-reliance, and this moving and beautifully filmed meditation will soon be available in one continuous edit for on-demand viewing. And don’t miss the shooting clips that will showcase some helpful tips and a lot of great guns from FNH. 

“Tips & Tactics” will soon continue with trainer Carrie Lightfoot of The Well Armed Woman.

Fall will bring all-new seasons of “NOIR,” “Love at First Shot” and “I Am Forever,” with content that we expect to be the biggest and best yet. In the meantime, stay tuned for our spring programming and for new releases from “Commentators” and “Frontlines.” Defenders of the Second Amendment won’t want to miss what’s in store.


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