Australian Man Has Guns Seized After Defending Home

posted on September 16, 2017

A farmer in Bungowannah, New South Wales, never fired a shot or even loaded his gun, but police still confiscated his firearms after a confrontation he had with an armed suspect.

According to The Border Mail, David Dunstan grabbed an unloaded rifle when a man armed with a knife knocked on his back door in the middle of the night. He claims to have never pointed the rifle, for which he has a license, directly at the suspect. Dunstan made the intruder get in a car and drove him to the police station, where he was picked up—but then police took the three guns that the farmer kept in his home for pest control purposes.

“I just don’t know what I should have done, what would have been the right way to do it,” said Dunstan. “My gun license is for vermin control. I suppose, technically, trying to protect yourself is not classed as that.”


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