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Beretta 30X Tomcat

Gun Review | Beretta 30X Tomcat

Beretta did an excellent job of updating this classic. It has tweaks, but retains the features that made it so popular in the first place.

Voters Are Fighting Back

Anti-gun jurisdictions display indifference to crime, but voters are fighting back.

How Gun Pollsters Deceive

When the misleading language of gun-control groups is used in polls, it should come as no surprise that the results don’t map properly onto the real world.

Shooting Straight with Captain Phillip Beall

When a high-achieving person realizes his own industry is desperately in need of reform, he will resolutely keep pushing for sensible changes. Such is the story of Captain Phillip Beall.

A New Sheriff Is In Town

The downfall of so many prominent anti-gun progressives was a long-overdue day of reckoning. The American electorate has made a national course correction.

What’s The Ultimate Home-Defense Gun? The Semi-Automatic Rifle

The semi-automatic rifle can be highly maneuverable while utilizing purpose-built ammunition capable of neutralizing a threat with a lower risk of over-penetration.

What’s The Ultimate Home-Defense Gun? The Shotgun

For those who master the shotgun, bad guys beware!

What’s The Ultimate Home-Defense Gun? The Pistol

Three gun gurus politely, but passionately, disagree on what is the best home-defense gun. This three-part series starts with a case being made for the pistol.

An Unlikely Hero

The NRA exists to oppose arbitrary and overreaching government authority. This story, and all that followed, showcased just how vocal and resistant Americans are to such acts of tyranny.

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