We can now do a lot to protect and grow our freedom.
The Second Amendment was effectively on the ballot last month and NRA members stepped up to help deliver an important victory.
The backbone of the NRA is its millions of members.
The critical time to stand resolutely in defense of freedom is now.
Your NRA is steady in the political storm. The organization steadfastly stands on constitutional ground to defend our individual liberty.
The NRA is back and, with your help, we are moving resolutely forward to defend your liberty.
This organization is a family and when we get together, we win.
The NRA is back. That is the first thing I want to say to you as your association’s new executive vice president and CEO.
The NRA leads the way in the many fights to defend our constitutional rights. In courtrooms across the country, we repeatedly do battle with those who make no secret of their desires to undo our uniquely American freedoms.
NRA members show, year after year, that they will stand and fight for freedom.