If they can’t ban ’em, they’ll simply tax ’em out of existence. That seems to be the newest tactic that anti-gun politicians are grasping onto to take away your firearms.
On Jan. 1, Seattle’s so-called “gun violence tax” went into effect—this law penalizes gun owners to the tune of $25 per gun. But now, an even more onerous tax is being touted as a role model for the U.S. After having an outright ban on handguns rejected in court, the Northern Mariana Islands Commonwealth is imposing a $1,000 tax on all handguns sold in the U.S. Territory.
It’s certainly a concept that presidential candidate Hillary Clinton would endorse. As far back as 1993, she can be seen enthusiastically supporting a proposal for a 25-percent tax on guns: “I’m all for that.”
The NRA is still challenging the Seattle tax, and legal action is expected against the Mariana Islands measure.