A Hero Fights Back

posted on April 7, 2015

“Suddenly, he reappeared, running at me and others near me, at full speed with the knife still in hand, blood on his arm and on the knife. I yelled a couple times for him to stop and he did not. Just at about 12 to 15 feet from me, I fired three rounds and he collapsed to the floor, the knife still in his hand. I stopped the threat.”

That chilling quotation from Mark Vaughan, CEO of Vaughan Foods in Moore, Okla., is central to NRA News investigative reporter Ginny Simone’s brand-new report, “Terror in the Heartland: A Hero Fights Back.” In this exclusive report, Vaughan discusses the horrific attacks in Moore, and how he was able to bring down a crazed attacker with the only thing that could have stopped him—his firearm. Watch the entire report here.


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