At Forest Hills Elementary School in rural Pennsylvania, Daniel Krestar leads an annual program called “Gun Shop.” The optional class, which is also open to parents, teaches kindergarteners how to stay safe around firearms. Materials include NRA Eddie Eagle GunSafe® videos among others.
“We wanted to teach the course because statistics showed that 80 percent of local homeowners kept guns in their homes,” said Krestar. “This course isn’t pro-gun or anti-gun.”
A school taking advantage of free NRA materials to teach gun safety—smart move, right? Apparently not to Jennifer Hoppe, deputy director of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. She thinks “it’s atrocious to put the onus of gun safety onto children.”
For a group with “sense” in their name, they often show very little of it. Having a child properly trained in gun safety is the best kind of “gun sense” there could be.