Anti-Gun Pastor Above Oregon’s Background Check Law

posted on September 17, 2016

The anti-gun Oregon pastor who ran afoul of the state’s ridiculous new background check law by wasting $3,000 of his congregation’s money to win an AR-15 in a raffle, then leaving it with someone else for safe storage, won’t be charged.

Rev. Jeremy Lucas told The Washington Post that after he won the rifle he left it with a parishioner for safe-keeping—an illegal act under the misguided law since no background check was conducted for the “transfer.” Yet the Oregon State Police somehow can’t determine if a law was broken, saying the case is “challenging, due to the lack of any evidence supporting the allegations.”

Might we suggest simply asking Lucas if he transferred the gun to someone without a background check? Isn’t that what investigations usually consist of—asking questions?

If Lucas answered “yes,” he broke the law and could be prosecuted. If he answered “no,” then he lied to the Post—making him just a liar, not a criminal.


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