First, there was the seven-year-old kicked out of school for chewing a Pop-Tart into the shape of a gun. Now, the new Victorians of speech prohibition are waging a war of political correctness against Texas Tech University’s “Guns Up” slogan as “offensive” to the delicate sensibilities of liberal anti-gun activists, Breitbart News reports.
Michael Grant, Ph.D., whined in an email to University President M. Juane Nellis, Ph.D., that he was ashamed of the phrase “Go Texas Tech, and Guns Up!” that Nellis used as his official signature line on weekly emails to alumni. “I find it quite embarrassing to admit that I earned two degrees from an institution that employs the offensive slogan ‘Guns Up,’” Grant wrote, according to
So for now, Nellis has replaced “Guns Up!” with “Wreck ‘Em” on his email signature line. Surely now the rise of the oceans will slow and the planet will heal.