An armed citizen in Lyman, S.C., used his concealed handgun to stop a mass shooting outside a nightclub early Sunday morning.
Deputies with Spartanburg County told local media that around 3:30 a.m. on Sunday, a man got into an argument with another man outside the club, pulled a gun and began firing into the crowd that had gathered there. Three people were hit, but before more damage could be done, a concealed-carry permit holder drew his handgun and shot the attacker, saving the crowd from further injury.
Of course, you probably won’t hear about this story in most of the so-called “mainstream” media since it goes against their chosen anti-gun narrative. Yet despite gun-haters ignoring the story, the fact remains that, once again, a good guy with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun—in this case, a bad guy who could easily have killed many clubgoers had he not been stopped quickly.