Armed Senior Citizen Stops Attack

posted on March 5, 2016

A Philadelphia man with a concealed-carry permit used his gun to fight off two attackers who accosted him and his wife on a city street. According to local police, the 65-year-old man and his wife were walking down the street when two men approached, punched the man and knocked him to the ground, then attacked the woman. The senior citizen pulled out his handgun and shot both of the assailants—one in the abdomen, one in the shoulder—ending the threat. 

Neighbors were surprised about the shooting, but supported the man who used his gun to save himself and his wife. “I think the moral of the story is you just never know who’s packing heat,” neighbor Anthony Conte told WPVI-TV. “‘Old man Sal’ was packing so you gotta watch out. And it’s a shame it went down. I hope those kids are OK.”


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