In an interview on WPHT’s Dom Giordano Show on Tuesday, Republican presidential contender Dr. Ben Carson tacitly called for an end to so-called “gun-free zones.”
While discussing his book A More Perfect Union: What We the People Can Do to Reclaim Our Constitutional Liberties, Carson pointed out the madness of forcing good people to give up their means of self-defense against killers who are emboldened and empowered by that act of surrender.
“When you look at some of these gun tragedies that have occurred, it’s quite amazing how they seem to occur in the gun-free zones,” Carson said. “A lot of these shooters are people who are mentally unstable, but they’re not so unstable that they don’t recognize that, ‘If I’m going to kill a lot of people, I need to go to a place where people are not likely to have guns and kill me.’”