It appears we’re edging closer and closer to seeing a new presidential candidate emerge. In an interview with the Financial Times, billionaire gun-banner Michael Bloomberg confirmed that he is considering throwing his hat in the ring. “I find the level of discourse and discussion distressingly banal and an outrage and an insult to the voters,” sniffed the gun-hating former NYC mayor.
A Bloomberg candidacy would dramatically reshape the 2016 presidential race and would likely see the former New York City mayor run as an Independent. Although quickly dismissed by both Hillary Clinton (“I’m going to get the nomination so he doesn’t have to”) and Bernie Sanders (“moving away from democracy to oligarchy”), it’s clear the Democratic Party stands the most to lose.
Of course, were Bloomberg to win, it’s all of America who would lose. The Nanny President wouldn’t hesitate to dictate every facet of our lives, starting with the dismantling of our constitutional freedoms.