Boy Scouts To Use Donated Firearm Suppressors

posted on April 17, 2015

A Boy Scout camp in Maine is set to become the nation’s first to protect scouts’ hearing through the use of firearm suppressors donated by several forward-looking companies. GEMTECH and SilencerCo, two manufacturers of firearm suppressors, are working with Sturm, Ruger & Co. to provide .22 LR rifles, rifle suppressors, shotgun suppressors and 25,000 rounds of subsonic ammunition to Camp William Hinds in Raymond, Maine, to reduce noise on the range while training scouts in gun safety and marksmanship.

Contrary to media myths, movie legends and popular belief, firearm suppressors do not “silence” the report of a firearm and are not commonly used in crime. In fact, in parts of Europe and Scandinavia, hunting with suppressors is considered common courtesy and common sense—and even in the U.S., most states now allow hunting with suppressors.


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