Brazil Looks To Ease Gun Restrictions To Fight Crime

posted on October 31, 2015

With one of the highest murder rates on the planet, Brazil is experiencing what one politician there has called “an orgy of gun violence.” Consequently, some in the Brazilian government are trying to do away with severe restrictions on gun ownership so law-abiding citizens can protect themselves against violent criminals.

Under the proposed law, anyone over 21 would be allowed to purchase up to nine firearms a year and 50 rounds of ammunition a month. Additionally, state employees and public figures, ranging from government inspectors to politicians, would be authorized to carry arms, as would private citizens often in the public eye such as taxi drivers.

Of course, just as in America, freedom has its detractors around the world. “It’s a return to the Wild West,” said Ivan Valente, a deputy from the leftist PSOL party. Now where have we heard that before?


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