Apparently not content with the plethora of ineffective gun-control laws already on the book in the Golden State, California legislators continue to promote measures dictating more—and more restrictive—firearm legislation.
Democrat Assembly member Miguel Santiago has introduced legislation to cap gun sales in the state. California law already limits the purchase of handguns to one per month. Santiago’s measure—AB1674—would “create parity” in state law and apply the same restriction to all gun categories, including handguns, rifles, shotguns and “the semi-automatic versions” of those firearms.
Since there is no proof such a restriction on handgun purchases has done anything to curb violent crime, and since criminals don’t follow gun laws anyway, extending the restriction to long guns is simply another way to inconvenience and deter law-abiding gun owners. Santiago’s measure was approved by the Committee on Public Safety on a 5-2 vote, and referred to the Committee on Appropriations last week.