California Committee Passes Open Carry Ban Legislation

posted on June 22, 2017

The Golden State is anything but golden for gun owners. The liberal left mecca continues to throw out gun control bill after gun control bill to see what will stick. The latest anti-gun measure is Assembly Bill 7, which passed out of the state Senate Public Safety Committee this week.

Existing California law already prohibits, with certain exceptions, carrying an unloaded firearm that is not a handgun—such as a shotgun or rifle—while in an incorporated city or city and county, but does not prohibit the carrying of an unloaded firearm other than a handgun in unincorporated areas of a county. AB 7 would extend this ban to cover the carrying of an unloaded firearm other than a handgun while in or upon a public place or public street within a prohibited area located within the unincorporated area of a county.

This piece of legislation, like much of the gun restrictions in the state, isn’t about stopping crime; it’s about stereotyping law-abiding gun owners who are openly carrying an unloaded firearm as criminals. Your support is needed in defeating this bill.

Use Your Power!

You can email the members of the Senate Appropriations Committee and urge them to oppose AB 7 by clicking here.


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