Chicago Anti-Gunners Bully Stores Into Posting No-Gun Signs, But Do They Stay Up For Long?

posted on September 28, 2016

On Saturday, two dozen anti-gun activists with the ironically named “Peaceful Communities” group stormed merchants in the Chicago suburb of Glencoe in an attempt to bully them into posting “No Guns” stickers.

"If they came in here one-on-one, we might have had a longer conversation," Stephanie Macakanja, proprietor of the Blacksheep General Store, told the Chicago Tribune. "But when they came in here en masse—just give me the sticker." 

Activists said six stores posted the stickers after being confronted. However, at least one of those stickers was quickly peeled off. Louis Buitron, dining room manager at Marcello’s Father and Son, removed his after a pro-gun activist explained the benefits of having lawfully armed citizens present. “One good guy could save the rest of the people,” Buitron said. “I agree with that.” 

Illinois State Rifle Association board member Mike Weisman said of the tactic, “If they think it will stop crime, they’re sadly mistaken.”


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