With 857 shootings and 133 murders on the books so far in 2016, some Chicago leaders are looking for other ways to solve the problem than just adding more laws that affect only law-abiding gun owners. “We are arresting people, and we are arresting the right people,” said Chicago Police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi. “We are facing a long-term problem and that is that individuals are just not being held accountable for gun crimes.”
Because Illinois is one of several states to carry out recommendations from a prison reform commission—which is working to reduce prison population by 25 percent—mandatory minimum sentences are being reduced or eliminated altogether. That means someone like seven-time convicted felon Lamar Harris is returned to the streets and able to shoot three police officers.
This revolving door of “justice” has created a deadly cycle of violence in the Windy City. And until criminals are held accountable, Chicago will continue its reign as one of America’s deadliest cities.