Chicago’s Killers Break Record After Record ... While Politicians Talk

posted on September 8, 2016

By Labor Day, Chicago’s killers had racked up 500 murders so far for 2016—more than in all of 2015—putting the city on track to record its most violent year in over a decade, if not decades, USA Today reports.  Indeed, August was the deadliest month in 20 years in Chicago, yet all the Windy City’s politicians wanted to do was talk.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel talked about “putting more police on the street”—but gave no indication of how he planned to keep up with police attrition, let alone fund more police. State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez lamented that Chicago’s “most menacing felony offenders ... are spending fewer and fewer days behind bars”—and then pushed more gun control. Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson blamed a supposed lack of anti-gun laws in a city that already has some of the strictest anti-gun laws, and the poorest enforcement against criminals, in the nation.  

Do these people have no decency or conscience?


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