At a campaign stop at CSU San Bernardino, Hillary Clinton characterized the December 2015 attacks, in which two radical Muslims murdered 14 co-workers at a company Christmas party just 10 miles away, as “gun violence.”
“You here in this beautiful city know the horrors, the losses from gun violence are just unimaginable,” pronounced Clinton, vowing to take on “the gun lobby.”
Blaming terrorism on NRA wasn’t enough for Clinton, who went on to exploit the recent murder/suicide on the gun-free zone that is the UCLA campus: “It’s happening more often now. Something needs to be done.”
For Clinton and Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety who recently endorsed her, every terrorist act, gang murder, suicide and justifiable homicide by police or citizen is “gun violence.” Equating cops and citizens who are forced to shoot armed criminals with radical terrorists and criminally insane murderers gives gun owners a clue to what life would be like during four to eight years of a Clinton presidency.