After becoming the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton celebrated with her favorite gun-control groups. Shannon Watts, the leader of Michael Bloomberg’s demanding moms group, said, “We endorsed Hillary Clinton for president because she’s willing to stand up to the gun lobby—so we stood up for her. Our supporters worked to push her over the top in California, a state with strong gun laws and a strong base of Gun Sense Voters, and they made a big difference. This is yet more proof that guns is [sic] a winning issue …”
Of course, we’ve chronicled time and time again Clinton’s disdain for gun owners and the Second Amendment, resulting in her refusing—twice—in an interview last week to answer the simple question of whether she believes the Second Amendment protects an individual right to bear arms. With beliefs like that—and friends like the demanding moms—is it any wonder that law-abiding gun owners fear a Clinton presidency could be even worse than the last eight years under President Barack Obama?