She’s promised to work to reinstate the failed “assault weapons” ban. She’s blasted the Supreme Court for getting it “wrong” on the Second Amendment in Heller. If elected, she vows to “use every single minute of every day” looking for ways to enact more control. And she knows exactly where she’d begin, saying “certainly the Australia example is worth looking at” in reference to that country’s gun confiscation scheme.
Reasonable? When it comes to Hillary Clinton and guns, no word could be further from the truth. So it’s with a bit of irony that, as her emails continue to leak out, it’s learned that in a 2014 speech that she was critical of the NRA for their unwillingness to be “reasonable.” Apparently, their stance of vehement support for the U.S. Constitution is … unreasonable?
What’s truly unreasonable is Clinton’s plan to use executive fiat to force gun control onto an unwilling populace. Let’s make sure she doesn’t get the chance.