On Wednesday, CNN commentator Charles Blow denied that spiking urban murder rates might be attributed to police pullbacks: “It would be a strange twist of logic … because police are not the subject of the shootings.”
Continuing his own twisted logic, he accused guest Heather Mac Donald of racist comments and blamed current urban gun violence on poverty, despite the fact that gun homicide has dropped steadily during two decades of a roller coaster economy.
Blow completed his bizarre tirade by equating police killings in the line of duty with criminal murder: “If they (police) take a life, yes, there should be blowback, and there should be outrage. If anyone’s life is taken, and no one is arrested, that is a big difference from when someone’s life is taken and they swoop in, arrest right away, charge with the most severe charges right away, which is what happens in every other case” when the killer is known.