CNN Introduces Mark Kelly As “Gun Owner And Second Amendment Supporter”

posted on August 12, 2016

On Thursday, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer introduced an interviewee as a “gun owner” and “Second Amendment supporter.” The interviewee? Mark Kelly, who, together with wife Gabby Gifford, founded Americans for Responsible Solutions (ARS), whom Blitzer described as a “gun violence prevention group” (the label gun-control groups prefer of late). 

Check Kelly’s credentials: ARS’ website supports so-called “universal” background checks, closing non-existent “loopholes” for online sales and “unlicensed dealers,” and funding of Centers for Disease Control anti-gun research into gun violence as a “public health issue.” His statements support Massachusetts AG Maura Healey, who just imposed a unilateral ban on the sale of modern sporting rifles, and blame huge spending by “entrenched interests like the gun lobby” for blocking additional gun-control laws. 

In the interview, Kelly also aligned himself with the candidate who has labeled the NRA as her enemy: “Hillary Clinton says she supports the Second Amendment. Gabby and I support the Second Amendment.” Mark Kelly, you shall be known by the company you keep.


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