Speaking of background checks, while anti-gun politicians like to claim (erroneously) that 90 percent of Americans support expanded, even “universal” background checks, a recent online poll conducted by CNN suggest otherwise. A handy majority of respondents to the question, “Do you support expanded background checks for gun buyers?” answered negatively—55.4 percent at the time of this writing.
While the poll does not reflect a scientific sampling, it reveals how implausible the “90 percent” figure truly is. Surely a poll on a so-called “mainstream” media outlet like CNN—indeed, the same one hosting the White House’s “town hall” on gun control—attracted the attention of plenty of people outside that fabled 10 percent said to be in opposition. Next time you hear President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or another anti-gunner talk about how the “vast majority” of Americans want more background checks, just remember that they’re full of hot air.