Colorado Provides Campus Carry Case Study

posted on April 22, 2015

Texans appear set to allow on-campus carry by licensed, trained adults for lawful self-protection. Unfortunately, those paid—apparently—to ignore the mounting evidence are out in force to protest (complete with profanity), from UT Chancellor William McRaven to Houston Democrat Rodney Ellis. They predict violent disaster over Socrates and bad grades.

Frequent America’s 1st Freedom contributor Dave Kopel disagrees, and calmly drubs the whole idea in the typically firearms-hostile Washington Post. Citing more than a decade of experience and multiple statistical analyses from Colorado, virtually every canard of CCW dies the death it so richly deserves.

Because you’re sure to be asked, how many incidents have there been on college campuses since the 2003 passage? The answer is one—a negligent discharge that injured no one (though the university employee responsible was—rightly—dismissed).


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