Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings announced that he has officially signed on with the group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a smokescreen for Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety. Rawlings said Bloomberg approached him a few years ago, but the Dallas mayor said he wanted to study the issue first.
The organization is supported by 1,000 current and former mayors nationwide. Rawlings will be the eighth Texas mayor to join the association of gun-control zealots. Part of the group’s stated purpose is to beat back “the Washington gun lobby,” meaning the National Rifle Association. When has the NRA ever come out in support of “illegal” guns?
The mayor said he waded into politically troublesome territory with the controversial organization because he believes he can convey a “unifying” message of tougher enforcement. As an anti-gun front for Bloomberg’s billions, nothing about Mayors Against Illegal Guns is unifying—except maybe unified in tearing down our Second Amendment rights.