Radio show host Dana Loesch appears in a new commentary on NRA News and addresses the New York Daily News and its proclamation that “God isn’t fixing this.” Loesch called it the most condescending voice for what many call “the Godless Left” and said this was a coordinated assault on the two freedoms they hate the most—our right to believe and our right to survive.
Loesch also exposes the global alliance of political and media elites who conspire to tear apart the foundations of America. She says these elitists, media activists, Hollywood celebrities, campus radicals and political power mongers have openly attacked American values and the people who cherish them.
“These saboteurs share the same fanatical fervor to tear apart the foundations of America as the terrorists who threaten our very survival. And together, they march hand-in-hand toward the possible, purposeful destruction of us all.”
Watch the commentary here.