Senate Democrats seeking to close what they are calling the “terror gap” are, in reality, seeking to curtail the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans with no due process.
The legislation proposed after the recent terror attacks in Paris targets gun sales to those on the government’s terror watch list—a list easy to get on, but virtually impossible to get off. Consider, for example, that even three federal legislators, including Sen. Ted Kennedy, found themselves on the list.
As Charles C.W. Cooke pointed out on the National Review Online, some 280,000 people on the list have “no affiliation with known terrorist groups” but simply fall under “reasonable suspicion.” The National Rifle Association is against curtailing the constitutional rights of Americans by empowering unelected bureaucrats to secretly put them on any list with no due process, and essentially no recourse. We’d bet that most freedom-loving Americans agree with that sentiment.