HBO is well known for its programs featuring gratuitous violence and criminal misuse of firearms. So it seems hypocritical that the cable network would make a champion boxer remove an ammunition company logo from his trunks before an upcoming title bout this weekend.
According to a report, HBO is demanding that Sergey Kovalev remove the logo for Tulammo, a longtime sponsor, from the seat of his trunks for this Saturday night’s title fight set to be broadcast live from Las Vegas. This revelation prompted an astute observation by Lawrence Keane, senior vice president and general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).
“TV networks are certainly free to decide what they broadcast, but the typical daily HBO fare of murder, mayhem and the glorified misuse of firearms suggests a certain degree of hypocrisy in HBO’s reported decision to ban the simple logo of a company that manufactures ammunition,” Keane said.