Giffords’ New Coalition Set To Tighten Gun Control Measures In Arizona

posted on March 18, 2017

This week, Congresswoman Gabby Giffords and her husband formed a coalition to “create public policy to prevent gun tragedies.” The group—Arizona Coalition for Common Sense—includes backing from multiple public officials, as well as nonprofit and business leaders. 

Their stated goal is to “urge their elected officials to advance policies that help keep guns out of the wrong hands and prevent gun tragedies while protecting the rights of law-abiding Americans to own firearms.” Giffords and her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly, also founded “Americans for Responsible Solutions,” a national political action committee aimed at gun control measures they say will reduce gun violence through increased legislation and anti-Second Amendment policies. 

Giffords told constituents she will fight any state politician standing in the way. “Stopping gun violence takes courage, the courage to do what’s right, the courage of new ideas. Fight, fight, fight,” she continued. “Be bold, be courageous, the nation’s counting on you.”


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