MTV, the station that inflicted upon the world “Jersey Shore,” “Beavis and Butthead,” and a slew of shows glorifying teenage pregnancy, recently began dipping its toes into politics. In an episode titled “Should Your Teacher Carry A Gun,” MTV’s “The Racket” took on campus carry, along the way conflating it with both regular concealed carry (citing a since-debunked study attempting to show that armed citizens don’t stop mass shootings) and violent crime. “From 2000 to 2013,” the graphic screamed, “there were 160 active shooter incidents in the U.S.” But all these incidents were committed by criminals, not the law-abiding students and teachers campus-carry laws actually apply to—sorry MTV, but no matter how many campus-carry laws pass, crime will still be illegal.
The video closes by asking, “What can YOU do about lawmakers trying to turn your campus into an NRA experiment? VOTE THEM OUT.” But we’re not exactly worried: Among those ages 18-29 (anyone who would’ve seen this clip) and those with less than a high school education (anyone who would have believed this clip), voter turnout rates are by far the lowest among any group.