Comedian Amy Schumer and her longtime anti-gunner cousin, New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, are continuing their crusade for your guns. They stood in front of New York’s City Hall on Sunday proclaiming that Americans need to, among other things, close the mythical background check “loophole” and “make background checks better” by mandating checks on all sales.
Schumer and Schumer want voters to call, write, tweet, post on Facebook and march to stop so-called “gun violence.” They’ve even introduced a hashtag, #AimingForChange.
Well, we’re #AimingForChange, too. We’d like to see politicians who actually represent the interests of their constituents. Or a Hollywood that portrays the views of Middle America instead of the Left Coast. Instead we get a double dose of the Schumers and their elitist “we need a public outcry” opinions. Hint to the Schumers: There’s no outcry because Americans don’t believe that guns are the problem.