“GunMegeddon” Coming To California?

posted on April 21, 2016

A package of 10 gun-control bills is threatening to dismantle the Second Amendment-protected rights of California citizens. Dubbed “GunMegeddon,” these proposals were heard before a state Senate Public Safety Committee on Tuesday. 

Eight of the bills advanced out of the Democrat-controlled committee including: 

  • Senate Bill 880, which would expand the state’s 1989 “assault weapons” ban to include semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines; 
  • Senate Bill 1446, which would ban all standard-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds; 
  • Senate Bill 894, which would require gun owners to report lost or stolen guns within five days; 
  • Senate Bill 1407, which would require anyone who assembles their own firearms to be licensed with the state; and 
  • Senate Bill 1006, which would enable biased gun violence research to be conducted.

Gun-rights organizations argued that these regulations call for unconstitutional bans and confiscations. They now head to the Senate Appropriations Committee for fiscal consideration. Contact your representative today to oppose these measures!


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