Hypocritical Women’s Marchers Surrounded By Armed Guards

posted on July 18, 2017

The marchers came prepared with catchy slogans on T-shirts and signs like “No one is safe unless everyone is safe” and “Real men don’t need guns.” They gathered at the headquarters of the NRA to decry what they called an “incendiary video calling for armed conflict.” (We missed the call to arms in the video; watch for yourself and see if you can point it out.)

But a funny thing happened during the Women’s March protest against guns and the organization that fights for the right for law-abiding citizens to arm themselves for self-defense—turns out that the march organizers were surrounded by … guns. Yes, the anti-gun women had hired an armed security detail in order to protect themselves. (No word on whether everyone else was safe because they were safe.)

NRATV, in its live reports from the event, rightly asked, “Who paid for Women’s March leaders’ guns?” But this hypocrisy has become a commonplace occurrence across America. Elitists like George Soros and Michael Bloomberg have no problem preaching gun control on one hand, while being protected by armed guards on the other. For many in the liberal left, the real catchphrase seems to be “Do as I say, not as I do.”


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