An anti-gun bill introduced this week in the Illinois House of Representatives is fraught with pitfalls and problems.
According to a report at, the measure, by State Rep. Sonya Harper of Chicago, would require that every round of ammunition sold in the state be stamped with a unique serial number.
“Who, or anybody else, is going to want to have to spend millions of dollars in setting up new manufacturing processes, new equipment, new capital investments, and how are they going to recover any of that in the short term?” asked NRA Legislative Liaison Todd Vandermyde.
“Then they want to sit there and record every person, the amount of ammunition you buy and the caliber in which you buy it,” Vandermyde continued. “It’s bad enough that we have the (Firearm Owners Identification Card) and there’s a registry of gun owners, but now they want to get into what we’re shooting, what we’re buying and the rest of it.”