We told you recently about a measure introduced in Illinois that could run many law-abiding gun owners out of business. The bill has now been scheduled to be considered in the state Senate on April 25, and state senators need to hear from you.
Senate Bill 1657 creates a complicated and dangerous gun dealer licensing scheme in the state. As NRA-ILA stated in a recent legislative update: “While the purported intent of this legislation was to enhance ‘responsible business practices,’ this proposed legislation only proves that the intention is to close as many federally licensed firearm dealers (FFLs) as possible.”
Additionally, the legislation seeks to create so many department divisions, anti-gun five-member licensing boards, and licensing fees that dealers would likely be forced to close through oversight by anti-gun appointees or being priced out of business.
Use Your Power!
Illinois gun owners are encouraged to contact their state senator before April 25 and encourage him or her to strongly oppose SB 1657 when it comes up for a vote. Contact your senator by
clicking here.