In Ballot Initiatives, Gun Owners And Hunters Lose Two ... And Win Three

posted on November 9, 2016

After the votes were counted on Tuesday’s ballot initiatives concerning the right to keep and bear arms and the freedom to hunt, gun owners and hunters lost in two states, but prevailed in three. 

In Maine, Question 3, which would have criminalized perfectly innocent acts such as lending someone a firearm to hunt with, was soundly rejected by voters in spite of—or perhaps partly because of—millions of dollars in backing from gun-ban zealot Michael Bloomberg. Indeed, in Nevada, a similar initiative—Question 1, which also had millions of dollars in Bloomberg backing—squeaked through by a margin of less than half of 1 percent of the vote. In California, Proposition 63—more gun control which was opposed by law enforcement groups across the state—was also passed by voters. 

To the good, voters in both Indiana and Kansas adopted constitutional provisions protecting the right to hunt and fish. Thanks to voters like you, 21 states now guarantee the right to hunt in their state constitutions.



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