Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun Everytown for Gun Safety continues to present its hyperbole as “research.” In a report on 25 law-enforcement officers murdered in 2013, Everytown’s “researchers” argued for background checks for all firearm transfers as a tool to reduce such tragedies.
However, the group’s own data proves that 13 of the cop killers obtained guns illegally in manners that circumvented any background check. The other 12 killers either passed a background check, or would have. Not one of the killers would have been stopped by enhanced background checks.
Does Everytown expect us to believe that the 13 killers with criminal histories exploited some loophole to legally purchase a gun? Or are they hiding the truth that every one of them obtained their guns by already illegal means?
Billionaire Bloomberg is certainly smarter than a fifth-grader; it’s his underestimation of everyone else’s intelligence that is appalling.