While Hillary Clinton this week called for “more second chance programs” to put convicted offenders back on the streets, Second Amendment activists were discussing yet more evidence of her anti-gun bigotry: her support for “sin taxes” on firearms.
In testimony before the U.S. Senate in 1993, when Clinton was asked whether she supports placing a punitive 25 percent tax on handgun sales, as well as raising Federal Firearms License (FFL) fees to $2,500 for “the purveyors of violence,” Clinton said, ”I’m all for that,” enthusiastically adding, “I feel very strongly about that.”
So: Clinton vows to ban semi-automatic rifles. She says the 1996 Australian gun confiscation is “worth considering on the national level.” She says “the Supreme Court was wrong” to rule that the Second Amendment is your individual right. And she supports tax schemes that would make firearms unaffordable to those who need them the most for protection. Add it up for yourself.