Watchdog group Judicial Watch sued the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) on Monday in an effort to obtain records related to the proposed M855 “green-tip” ammunition ban. In 2015, the Obama administration’s ATF sought to ban some AR-15 rifle ammo by reclassifying M855 green-tip bullets as “armor piercing.”
Following immediate and harsh fallout, ATF quickly walked back that decision. Meanwhile, Judicial Watch had requested ATF records related to the reclassification—but received no response and no records.
A press release from Judicial Watch indicates that the ATF is reportedly reconsidering their initial proposal, hence the group’s filing of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
“This is yet another example of how Obama's wanton use of the ‘pen and the phone’ attempted to undermine the constitutional rights of all Americans, as opposed to upholding the rule of law,” said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. “The Obama ATF simply ignored our request on their ammo ban. Let’s hope the Trump administration finally brings transparency to this out-of-control agency.”