A lawsuit was filed Tuesday against Florida State University over their “Game Day Plan 2015” guide. The suit, filed by Florida Carry on behalf of FSU graduate student Rebekah Hargrove, concerns a section stating weapons are banned on campus, and fans “may not store firearms … in their vehicles parked on campus while attending the game.”
Florida law permits law-abiding citizens to lock legally owned firearms in vehicles. An exception exists for schools—however, in 2013 the 1st District Court of Appeals overturned a University of North Florida policy prohibiting this practice. The plaintiffs argue the Guide fails to abide by this ruling, and are seeking an injunction before this Saturday’s game.
A news release by the group Florida Carry calls the Guide a “blatant attempt” to “enforce illegal gun control with the threat of throwing good people in jail for the lawful exercise of their right to bear arms.” University administrators have so far declined to comment.