Maine’s Senate has passed legislation to protect the Second Amendment rights of some of the most vulnerable citizens in society by preventing landlords who accept public housing vouchers from barring tenants from owning firearms in their homes. The legislation was inspired in part by the injustice suffered by Harvey Lembo, whose story we told here.
Although L.D. 1572 had been voted down 8-to-4 by the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee, it won approval in last Thursday’s preliminary vote in the Senate, thanks in part to two committee members who—likely fearing voter backlash in this election year—changed their positions to support the measure.
Opponents of the legislation are now targeting the Democrat-controlled Maine House of Representatives to kill this important reform. Maine residents, contact your House member and urge them to support L.D. 1572; your right to defend yourself in your own home shouldn’t depend on your income! Find your representative