Mark Kelly Just “Liked” Eddie Eagle

posted on April 16, 2015

“I don’t agree w/ the @NRA on some big issues, but they deserve a lot of credit for teaching kids about gun safety.”

That tweet was from Mark Kelly, husband of Gabby Giffords and co-founder of anti-gun group Americans For Responsible Solutions. NRA doesn’t agree with Kelly on much, either, but we agree that any creditable, effective effort to protect children from firearm accidents should be lauded.

However, self-described “gun guy” Mike Weisser of The Huffington Post doesn’t agree. Instead, he attacked Eddie Eagle, calling it “the NRA’s poster child for making everyone believe that the organization represents a positive force.” 

Fact is, Eddie Eagle has reached more than 28 million children to date. Materials are distributed free to schools, funded by the 5 million NRA members, most of whom are actual gun guys ... unlike Weisser. 


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