We reported last week how Matt Damon, at the Australian premiere of his new Jason Bourne movie, said he’d like to see Australian-style gun control in the United States, adding that when the government forcibly confiscated and destroyed 650,000 guns owned by law-abiding Australians, “nobody’s rights have been infringed.”
Damon apparently heard from plenty of fans who disagreed, and he attempted to explain at the recent European premiere. “All I said was it’s such a personal issue for people, people are so sensitive about it, we can’t really even talk about it,” he said. “So that was really the point I was trying to make, and it’s illustrated by the reaction.”
Damon’s latest statement doesn’t pass the smell test. His insinuation that “talking about” the issue was “all I said” is bogus, and he knows it. We’d still like his explanation of how confiscating more than a half million guns from law-abiding Australians, under threat of imprisonment, isn’t an “infringement.” Perhaps he’ll address that at his next premiere.