Minnesota Pro-Gun Laws Take Effect

posted on July 3, 2015

Several important pro-gun provisions of Senate File 878 went into effect on Wednesday, further bolstering gun rights in Minnesota. Most notably, gun owners in the state are now legally allowed to own and possess suppressors, and the use of suppressors for hunting will become legal on Aug. 1.

Several other pro-gun provisions also went into effect on Tuesday:

  • Minnesotans, like residents of 40 other states, can now purchase rifles and shotguns in non-contiguous states.
  • Current statute allows permit holders to carry on the capitol complex as long as permit holders “notify the sheriff or the commissioner of public safety, as appropriate.” This law updates and clarifies the statute to provide that application for a permit constitutes “notification,” as required.
  • Language was changed to help resolve carry permit reciprocity issues.


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