Gun registration proponent and would-be constitutional revisionist Mark Carman has gotten a lot of attention with an amateurish YouTube video that shows his ignorance about the intent of the Second Amendment.
In response, a press release claimed “a diverse group of volunteers brainstormed a name,” a logo and a five-point mission statement for a new gun-control group with Carman at the head—the American Coalition for Responsible Gun Ownership (ACRGO). However, this spontaneous group is none other than MoveOn Civic Action—a part of, which supports all manner of restrictive gun control. MoveOn’s resources also launched a Facebook page, applied to the state of Virginia for LLC status, wrote and circulated a petition to the White House, and even got Carman invited to the White House to present his ideas to Valerie Jarrett, senior adviser to President Obama.
The press release claiming that the video has “gone viral” also seems inflated. MoveOn’s release says the video has been viewed by “millions,” but at the time of this writing his YouTube link only had 122,000 views.