North Carolina’s new handgun permit-to-purchase law gives authorities 14 days to complete mental health background checks on applicants and approve or deny permits. But amid skyrocketing demand for permits, the Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s office says they are “not getting responses from the Clerk of Court in time to issue permits within the 14 days”—thereby breaking the law, The Blaze reports.
To justify that defiance of the law, County Sheriff Irwin Carmichael said, “I’m always going to err on the side of safety.” Authorities might fear liability if they issue a permit to the wrong person, but who’s liable if their delaying a permit gets an innocent, defenseless victim killed?
Legislation to remedy this injustice is expected to be introduced in Raleigh this year. North Carolina residents should urge your legislators to reform this law to protect innocent citizens and your right to keep and bear arms! Contact your legislators